A more intuitive interface
Some time ago, we introduced a new UI for the Wall framing module of our Wood Framing and Metal Framing products.
We’re glad to announce that we’ve now also simplified the UI for the Floor and Roof framing modules as well. The new arrangement is made to be both visually appealing and more intuitive, empowering users to streamline project workflows and improve all related processes.
We rearranged certain functions into two floating windows with icons, so users can understand and navigate the toolset more easily. These windows consolidate all the essential features for adding, editing, and modifying elements. Users can minimize them to save working space and avoid clutter. We also combined the ‘Modify Frame’, ‘Modify Opening’ and ‘Modify Floor/Roof Join’ options into a single ‘Modify Frame’ feature that functions according to what the user selects.
Additionally, the Custom Layout table has been redesigned to make it easier to use.
Here is an example of the Custom Layout table for some Blocking/Nogging. (The lower image shows the new arrangement of the columns; upper image is the previous order.)
As you can see, some columns have been rearranged, simplified, and renamed:
Column previously named:
Define Depth (h,d) by Layer Thickness
Rotate 90° & Rotate 180°
Flip Facing
Align Type
Cut Type
Cut Ends Type
Column renamed:
Depth By Layer
Rotate (simplified to a dropdown)
Cut Ends
Note that these small changes to the Custom Layout table are just the start. Stay tuned for more significant enhancements in future releases.
Apply changes, see them instantly
This was a highly requested improvement that will boost efficiency and elevate the user experience for all users, new and seasoned alike.
New users of our Wood Framing or Metal Framing software will find it much easier to understand the configuration settings and their impact on the model, which will reduce the frustration that typically comes with starting to use a new tool and will streamline the onboarding process.
And everyone will appreciate the enhanced ease of use and flexibility that comes with being able to instantly see every change, no matter how big or small.
From now on, the Framing Configurations will be a floating window, meaning that it will not block work in Revit once opened, enabling users to modify configurations without having to close out. The best part is that it now has an ‘Apply’ button, which will let you apply changes to your model and see the results right away!
The new Apply function for Framing software
Here's what the previous way looked like
As you can imagine, this enhancement greatly streamlines the trial-and-error process, enabling users to quickly grasp the nuances of configuration settings. Understanding how the framing software settings position families is now much more convenient and efficient.
Wall/Floor/Roof Link in the Framing Configuration window
The Wall/Floor/Roof Link functionality is now integrated into the Framing Configuration window. Whereas previously you could only link needed configurations for a selected Wall/Floor/Roof Type in a separate Link Wall/Floor/Roof window, now you can find it directly in the ‘Framing Configuration’ window.
This improvement brings more clarity to the configurations. You can use the integrated Wall/Floor/Roof Link functionality to create and modify the link in a single window without having to waste time switching between separate windows or trying to remember what was linked. Everything is conveniently placed and accessible in one place.
You can also use it to navigate faster, for example, switching between different configurations. Once the row number is selected or the Framing Configuration is changed, the configuration that is linked in the specific row will be opened in the Framing Configuration window:
Update parts parameters based on preselection
This is especially useful in large projects in which you have a lot of parts but need to update only some of them. You can now opt to select only the part hosts (or parts) you need to update parts in, and parts that are in selected hosts will be updated.
We also improved the algorithm for the update (partial or not) to work faster overall.
T connections
Do you need to overlap plates in L and T connections? If so, we have great news! Now you have the option to automatically extend or shorten plates by the thickness of the connected wall in not only L connections but also in T connections.
This allows for complete control over configuring not only the overlaps but also various tolerances/gaps. Furthermore, you can create different settings for top and bottom plates.
In this example, 'Lengthen' was chosen under 'Shorten/Lengthen by Connected Layer #d'. As a result, the T-Butt Connected wall's plate was lengthened automatically, and it also split the T Connected wall's plate. And because we entered “-20” under 'Lengthen Top/Bottom Plates', we also got a tolerance gap:
The T-Connected wall was split automatically by the lengthened T-Butt Connected wall's plate, so we can add a tolerance gap here as well, if necessary:
Note that for this to work, you need to make sure 'Wall Frame Panels' is turned ON:
More improvements for connections will be coming in future releases, so stay tuned!
Special Split Rule
Based on our clients' requests, you now have more flexibility in splitting plates and rim joists. Thanks to the Special Split Rule, splits are detached from the stud and joist locations (where they connect with the plates and rim joists) and added automatically, with respect to the minimum and maximum values entered.
You can find the Special Split Rule in the Common Settings → Modify Configuration Settings tab.
For example, the following settings...
....would give you this result:
For comparison, this is the result you’d get without using the Special Split Rule. As you can see, the splits are placed in Stud locations:
Sheathing/Paneling Offsets on Edge Openings
We're excited to introduce a new enhancement for sheathing and paneling offsets that provides greater flexibility in your design process by allowing you to control offsets for edge openings.
Previously, offsets could only be applied to entire top/bottom edges regardless of whether openings or cutouts were there. In the image below, you can see we have an offset for the top and bottom of the wall – and the same offset was applied to all openings or cutouts.
Now it's possible to apply offsets at the top and bottom of the wall and not at the openings and cutouts.
With this new enhancement, which can be found in the Sheathing or Paneling Configurations → Sheathing or Paneling Layout, we have control over the offsets for openings that are on the edge of a given host:
Here’s how it works:
(1) Type in the required Layer Offset for the desired location (e.g., Bottom/Base, Top/End).
(2) Set the Minimal Edge Opening Width: define the minimum edge opening width for the offset to be applied. If a cut-out or opening has a value greater than the one entered under Minimal Edge Opening Width, it will be considered a part of the geometry’s edge, and the offset will appear.
And if the value is less than or equal, the offset will not be applied for that edge:
Updates specific to Metal Framing
Element overrides
This new feature makes it possible to override element family types, enabling users to use different gauge steel members across different floor levels in a given project.
The element override dialogue can be found at the bottom of the Frame Wall menu.
Users can override a chosen framing configuration type (Frame, Secondary Frame, etc.):
Users can select different LGS frame family types with different gauges or mills and apply at appropriate floor levels.
It's also possible to switch between two override types: Global and By Member.
Global overrides vertical and horizontal elements whereas By Member overrides specific framing elements (Top Plates, Bottom Plates, King Studs, etc.).
Updated sample model (imperial units)
The updated imperial sample Revit model makes it easier for users to try out and learn Metal Framing. You can find the new sample file on the help page.
The new sample model also has the latest imperial framing families and can be used with the latest configurations and shop drawing templates. Read below to learn more about new families and configurations.
New sample imperial window configuration and framing families
In response to user requests for more diverse and complex window framing designs, we updated our Imperial framing family library and created a new window configuration for structural walls: I_Window Bearing Framing Box Header (in all C+U framing configurations)
The new window configuration comes with these new families:
I_MF Header Stud-Joist – for a box header
I_MF Fixed-Length Stud – for short cripple trimmers
I_MF U Stud-Track – for boxing a king stud
Updated sample imperial C+U frame stud family
The existing I_MF Stud-Joist now has two parameters that control the stud tolerance gap at the bottom (End Gap Start) and the top (End Gap End), as depicted here.
New sample imperial service hole family types for different CNC exporters
Service hole families (in Structural Framing and Structural Connection categories) now have family types for all available CNC Metal Exporter configurations:
Each family type has a default CNC command parameter value, which can be modified if needed.
Updated sample imperial drawing configuration
The new drawing configuration has been updated to reflect common imperial documentation standards. You will find new and updated:
View templates
Dimension configurations
Tagging configurations
Sample titleblock family
New parameter in Numbering Configurations
The Numbering Configuration dialogue now has a new parameter: Write Position for CNC Part. This is especially good news for users of Knudson CNC machines, as the Start and End studs can now contain unique numbering values in FM SortMark or other parameters.
Start using our framing software
Current customers, be sure to download this software update via the ARKANCE Dock to start benefitting from the latest features.
Not yet a user of our Wood Framing or Metal Framing add-ins for Revit? You can try them out for free.
Get a free trial